Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 12057
The letter r looks so innocent, but it controls some other letters changing the way some vowels sound. Get your pirate hat on and learn how r bosses vowels!
Look at the two items pictured above.
Say the name of each item out loud. Then, click on the play button below to hear both words.
The word car has two sounds: /c/ and /ar/. The vowel sound in the word car does not make a sound that you would expect an a to make.
The letter r is a bossy letter. When r is paired with a, it makes the sound of a pirate: “Arr!”
Say out loud the sound that ar makes in the word car.
Then, watch the video below to practice reading words with the /ar/ sound.
Now, read the following words with the /ar/ sound.
If you have trouble reading the words, say each sound of the word. Start at the beginning of the word. Remember to say, “arr,” when you see the letters a and r next to each other.
start | jar | barn | farm | bark | |
mark | star | garden | mark | smart |
Look at the word horn.
There are four letters in the word horn, but there are only three sounds in the word: /h/ /or/ and /n/.
In this word, the letter r is once again bossy. The r controls the sound the o makes. It makes the /or/ sound.
Sing and clap along with the song in the video below to practice words with the /or/ sound.
Now, read the following words with the /or/ sound.
cord | corn | sport | fort | ||
more | store | color | stork |
Look at the words more and store. When you are writing words with the /or/ sound at the end of a word, you need to add an e to the end of the word, like in the word core.
Move on to the Got It? section to practice more words with the /or/ and /ar/ sounds.